The Leading Professional and Representative Body for the Real Estate Industry

The Leading Professional and Representative Body for the Real Estate Industry



Ordinary Members

Any company, firm or real estate investment trust listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited carrying on the business of real estate development and/ or real estate investments in Singapore or any company which is the manager of a real estate investment trust listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited may upon application also be admitted as an Ordinary Member. 


The entrance fee is S$1,000 and the annual subscription fees are based on total group assets in Singapore [Fees subject to prevailing GST.]

Category (Total Group Assets) Annual Subscription Fees
Above S$10 billion S$ 50,000
Above S$5 billion S$ 30,000
Above S$1 billion S$ 15,000
Above S$500 million S$ 10,000
S$500 million & below S$ 2,500

Associate Members

Any company or business that is related to real estate in Singapore may upon application be admitted as an associate member. 


The entrance fee is S$500.00 and the annual subscription is S$1,500.00. [ Fees subject to prevailing GST. ]


Please email to to request for an application form. Application will then be submitted to the REDAS Management Committee for their consideration of approval.

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