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The Leading Professional and Representative Body for the Real Estate Industry



Daily News – 16 February 2016

Singapore Real Estate

Developers log worst January sales since 2009
January’s new private home sales skidded to its slowest start in seven years, as stock market blues affected buyer sentiment and developers refrained from launching new properties in the seasonally slow period ahead of the Chinese New Year holidays.

New private home sales sluggish but experts see bright spots
New private home sales last month posted their worst showing in over a year, but the figures are not quite as grim as they seem. The slow start to the year was in line with the release for sale last month of just 146 units from earlier projects – with no new projects launched. In other words, the poor sales numbers largely reflected a lack of new stock on the market.

Companies’ Brief

S’pore Reits ride to 5-year yield high amid market jitters
Dividend yields at the top Singapore-listed property trusts are at their highest in at least five years, a glittering attraction as global investors seek refuge from the slump in oil prices and jitters over China’s weakest economic prospects in 25 years.

Tat Hong unit sells back lease for $21m
A unit of crane supplier Tat Hong Holdings has sold the lease of its property in Tuas back to landlord JTC Corp for $21 million. The firm had failed to sell the property to third parties and had relocated its operations elsewhere.

Global Economy & Global Real Estate

3D-printed homes, underwater cities in future?

London home prices hit fresh record

Hong Kong property market in a big hole

The Intriguing Math That Turns Manhattan Properties Into Shekels

Tokyo Property Borrowers Play Negative Rates Game in Office Boon

Central London Property Losing Haven Status as Bears Move In

Additional Articles of Interests – Local & Overseas Real Estate

Local & Overseas Real Estate – Full Article

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