The Leading Professional and Representative Body for the Real Estate Industry

The Leading Professional and Representative Body for the Real Estate Industry

Postponed – Project Management for IT Projects and Construction Projects: Learning Points from a Tale of Two Disciplines (Physical class)

Event Details


Meinhardt Group

168 Jalan Bukit Merah
#09-01, Connection One
Singapore 150168


Fees (inclusive of GST)

*  $200  (REDAS Member)

*  $250  (Non-REDAS Member)


BOA  ;  0 Point

PEB  :  2 Points

SISV :  2 Points



Project Management for the Construction Industry is complex and requires digital tools, management methodologies and character to manage the project successfully. They are conditions for success. However, when compared to Project Management for Smart City Projects and IT projects, one would see that there are similarities and difference that we can learn from each industry.

This workshop discusses on the similarities, differences and the tools used by Project Managers in the two worlds and industry, providing some insights of best practices between the two.


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